Development of Longwall Mining Conditions Prediction System (LMCPS)
The monitoring both shield support behaviour (leg pressures, geometry and tip to face distance) in longwall in real time and geotechnical conditions, warnings can be given for significant improper shield support behaviour and the formation of roof instabilities, such as roof cavities/falls or shield closure, several hours in advance.
LMCPS utilize a data from SSMS (which continuously monitors shield support behaviour in longwall) and inform shield support operators and geotechnical engineers about any deterioration in longwall performance.
LMCPS will give an easy readable interpretation of results in form of graphs and alerts/comments displayed on the PC computers The application operates on current and historical data. The application supports expert rules developed within the project.

The LMCPS application can generate the following chart types (the examples only are shown below):
- line graph – pressure and geometry;
- line graph + events (results of expert rules);
- 2D pressure map;
- 3D pressure map;
- 2D event map.
Line graph – pressure in legs:

Line graph + events (results of expert rules):

Contact data:
Pszczynska 37, 44-101 Gliwice, Poland
Dariusz Jasiulek, Ph.D. Eng.
Head of Research Team for Mechatronic Systems
e-mail: djasiulek@komag.eu
phone: +48 32 2374443
fax: +48 32 2374375